CFSTK Intro Session
CFSTK Intro Session
2 weeks of unlimited training
*Intro session is still free. No obligation to sign up to the trial fortnight.
*Intro session must be booked and fortnight signed up to in March to redeem offer.
Intro sessions run every Monday & Wednesday at 6:30pm for 60mins.
In this hour you will be coached through common movements, meet some of the CFSTK crew and get to complete two fun CrossFit workouts.
If you are new to CrossFit, this is the IDEAL way to get started.
Even if you have trained CrossFit previously and are looking to get back into it, this is the IDEAL way to restart. Whatever stage of life or potential limitations - we meet you where you’re at and go from there.
These sessions are limited to 4 people so bookings are essential.
To book a CFSTK Intro simply email admin@crossfitstkilda.com or call 0467006193 to reserve a spot.