Meet the CFSTK Training Programs.
OG.CF is our classic CrossFit type workouts. Made up of the traditional mix of Gymnastics, Weightlifting and Conditioning, these are the workouts that we actually train for. These workouts can range from 3 minutes to 20 and can involve all the high skilled movements or none at all. These workouts are often used to test or re-test our fitness.
OG. Skills
These are the skills that we practice each week to get better at the body weight and gymnastics elements in our OG CrossFit workouts. Gymnastics movements such as handstand walks, pull-ups, box jumps, Double Unders (fancy skipping!) all make up a fun but challenging part of the CFSTK Skill program.
Sometimes it’s good just to forget about stuff, grind it out, breathe hard and sweat for 40 mins. This is our Endurance program.
Designed to get you comfortable working for longer periods at a moderate to high heart rate. It’s like a 10k run without having to do the 10k run.
There is no denying the efficacy of using a barbell to build strength. They are proven to be the king. CFSTK Barbell incorporates pure strength such as squats, deadlifts and press as well as the Olympic Lifts - The Clean & Jerk and The Snatch. Whether you are day 1 or 5 years into your fitness journey, the barbell will always be an integral part of your training.
This program is our unique mix of isolation and compound movements combined with low heart rate aerobic work. Designed to keep our joints strong, ensure we are continually adding or maintaining muscle mass and to balance out our intensity. This is our version of body building and one of the most popular elements of the CFSTK program.
CFSTK Intro Session
Intro sessions run every Monday & Wednesday at 6:30pm and Friday at 6:00pm for 60mins.
In this hour you will be coached through common movements, meet some of the CFSTK crew and get to complete two fun CrossFit workouts.
These sessions are limited to 4 people so bookings are essential.
If you are new to CrossFit, THIS IS the ideal way to get started.
Even if you have trained CrossFit previously and are looking to get back into it, THIS IS the ideal way to restart.To book a CFSTK Intro simply email admin@crossfitstkilda.com or call 0467006193 to reserve a spot.