CrossFit Pair Up Throw Down.
The CrossFit Pair Up Throwdown.
The CF Pair up Throwdown was a fun Partner event held Saturday May 22nd at CFSTK.
A two part workout with built in rest, it was a classic mix of moderate weight, medium skill gymnastics and good old fashioned CF grit.
The workout - For time:
30 synchro deadlifts
30 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
20 synchro deadlifts
20 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
10 synchro deadlifts
10 synchro bar-facing burpees
400-m run
Rest 5 min.
10 synchro thrusters
10 synchro pull-ups
400-m run
20 synchro thrusters
20 synchro pull-ups
400-m run
30 synchro thrusters
30 synchro pull-ups
400-m run
Time cap: 35 min.